8 August 2010

Land Ho!

It's official. We have now purchased the land to build the school on. We'll have plenty of land to use as an agricultural area to help the school be self sustainable in its protein/fruits and vegetable needs, leaving mainly just beans and rice to be purchased for their dietary needs. This should significantly cut down their food budget once everything is in place.

This is the view of the land looking south towards the orphanage. Basically, everything that you see in the picture here is on our new piece of land, and it extends to the sides as well.

This is looking the opposite direction, so everything on the other side of the kids is the land that we just purchased.
We were both very happy about the purchase. The land is in the name of the orphanage. We'll be breaking ground tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What you guys are doing in Haiti is great! I hope everything is going smoothly.