13 July 2010

Orphanage #2

The second orphanage that we went to was in a much better situation, though far from ideal. They had an excellent director that cared deeply about the kids. They had partner organizations that were able to provide the costs of food and schooling of the children. While their buildings were small and right next to each other with nothing more than a 30' X 30' cement pad for a play area, the kids were well taken care of and loved. They listened and respected their teacher and followed the rules. The older kids were at school when we visited, so it was fun being with these preschoolers for a couple of hours.

These were the two that I was in charge of teaching to count in English. We only made it to 3 and then played with play dough.
This little four year old was amazing with the basketball, going behind his back and between the legs and spinning around. He loved having an audience.
This was breakfast. Plain spaghetti noodles. This guy was the last to finish and was happy to share with the ones that finished before him.
Sidewalk chalk entertained them for a few minutes...
"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands..."
This isn't an activity that we did with them, but it shows the type of experiences that they are getting, in contrast to the first orphanage.
A little "dog ,dog, cat!" (duck, duck, goose)
Listening to teacher

1 comment:

mamagunn said...

matt thank you for inviting me to view this blog, it is wonderful. and it will be so good to see what you are experiencing, at least the things that you would like to share.